Saturday 18 August 2012

So.....   It's 6am!!! I think I will kill her, well not really but she could get a sore head if she keeps hitting the wall...Grrr Sleep deprivation doesn't sit well with me, all the babies slept from day dot so when I don't get at least 6 hrs I  physically sick. Maybe it is from all the medication that I take for the Arthritis, knows? But all I know is I feel like puking. Stephen is currently down stairs with missy moo at the moment and it's  not because he is some wonderful man who wants to give me a rest, noooo it's because he fell  asleep playing the PlayStation! So  anyway she hated the  pool. Cried the whole time, then when were parked some cow walked  over to stephen and asked if we were moving out of the disabled spot because someone with a disability was waiting to use it. She didn't look for a disabled badge (which was displayed on the front) she just saw a pushchair and assumed  that we were illegally parked... Ignorant Bitch! Thats all I will say to that!

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